Yellowing Porcelain Veneers: Transform Your Smile

Conservative ideas, technology, therapies and treatments are over, in this advanced age for smile enhancement. A new beginning is here to have a radiant and dazzling smile.

Porcelain Veneers is no doubt had marvelous results to increase teeth beauty. But continuity and maintenance for its desirable effects is essential. So don’t upset and concern for its maintaining and longevity of whitening effects.

If you have noticed your yellowing porcelain Veneers do not worry. We will make you able after study this article to understand causes, prevention and treatments of porcelain Veneers turning yellow.

There may different causes and reasons behind this concern. Yellowing porcelain Veneers can unworthy your smile and appearance. Veneers are applied to have a beautiful appearance but if they are turning into yellow and discoloration, it can damage your oral beauty and self-confidence.

Porcelain Veneers give shine and whitening effect to your teeth but due to some unaesthetic factors in routine life, in spite of shinning teeth it can make your teeth ugly and awkward.

Let’s have find out the extreme causes and prevention of yellowing porcelain Veneers. We will also provide you favorable treatments and strategies to maintain oral beauty with Veneers.

Porcelain Veneers discoloration causes

Porcelain Veneers are basically a custom-made shells, which applied on the surface of teeth to get beautiful appearance and smile, but due to various factors its shine and beauty can be faded.

In this section we will uncover the factors that are making Veneers yellow and unfavorable. A common factor that effects badly your teeth veneers is alcohol and tobacco consumption.

Tobacco and alcohol is not suitable and recommended for oral health as well as for beauty. It can damage Veneers shine and whiteness. There are also many causes which promote yellowing porcelain Veneers.

Neglecting oral hygiene can also contribute discoloration of Veneers. It also can cause oral infection and plaque. Because of unhygienic behavior there may occur oral bacteria and toxins.

1. Unhealthy food contribution to yellow Veneers

Like alcohol and unhygienic habits, other food items can also contribute to make porcelain Veneers yellow. Excessive use of citric food, germ food, wine, soda, tea, coffee and tobacco can damage gradually Veneers shine and beauty.

These food products are based on sharp components, which also can cause oral plaque and discoloration. Skip red wine, alcoholic drinks, and tobacco to maintain Veneers beauty and whiteness.

Furthermore, make healthy habits of hygiene and cleaning for more visible results. Brushing and flossing are the best way to keep longevity of porcelain Veneers beauty. Also follow instructions and effective strategies to prevent discoloration.

2. Age and Wear

Porcelain Veneers are specific white shells which used to cover teeth surface for beauty and enhanced appearance.

These shells may get dull cause of different reasons. One of the prominent reason is over aging and wearing of porcelain Veneers.

The Veneers are designed to wear for specific time period, it has to change and renew. Overtime of veneers can contribute discoloration significantly.

It also makes teeth surface rough and degrade teeth beauty. Implementation of hygiene and care towards porcelain Veneers can help you to get bright and charming smile ever.

Precautionary measures to avoid Discoloration

  • It’s not do and die, or also not impossible to maintain porcelain Veneers beauty and whiteness.
  • In just picking and following some precautionary measures to have vibrant and prolong Veneers whiteness.
  • For your convenience and guidance, some of the best practicable measures are pointing out here.
  • Choose chemical free toothpastes and brush gently on teeth to prevent Veneers from damage.
  • Keep in mind porcelain Veneers age and wear, avoid to it overtime. It can also decrease teeth beauty.
  • Make your lifestyle pure and fresh, chase from unhealthy food and habits.
  • . Excessive use of tea, coffee or smoking can lead to Veneers damage. Porcelain Veneers as applied on teeth surface that is why teeth seem dull and rough.

How to re-white yellowing porcelain Veneers?

Your unhealthy food, less consideration hygiene and cheap lifestyle damage the whitening of porcelain Veneers. Maintenance and continuity of Veneers is essential to look more beautiful and dazzling.

There are many ways, mostly using whitening systems designed for Veneers. Over aging of Veneers also affect whiteness.

It must have to change on specific time. Porcelain Veneers can stay on teeth for many years, its maximum wearing period is 10 to 15 year.

After particular time, Veneers must change and renewing is essential for healthy oral.


There is no doubt in saying that care, consideration and attentive behavior can prolong porcelain Veneers great appearance.

If you want a beautiful look with Veneers, or to avoid yellowing Porcelain Veneers, take preventive measure and favorable instructions.

To prevent roughness of veneers, you must have to follow instructions and guidance before applying Veneers. Additionally, regular dental check-ups will also provide your oral healthy environment.

Dentist can remove toxins, plaque and unwanted bacteria, this process will lead you to have more vibrant and marvelous smile to win the world. Consideration and care can prolong the age and whitening effect of porcelain Veneers.


Q1. Why Are My Porcelain Veneers Turning Yellow?

A. Use of different unhealthy food or other items, like red wine, tobacco or excessive use of tea and coffee can turn Veneers yellow to white. Wearing Veneers for overtime can also damage its whiteness.

Q2. Can Veneers Be Whitened If They Turn Yellow?

A. Yes, porcelain Veneers can be whitened again with special designed treatment for Veneers. Consult your dentist for more openly instructions and guidance.

Q3. How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last Before Turning Yellow?

A. Its lifespan also depends upon your consideration toward oral hygiene.

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